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Everything posted by Bejeeber
It's just tuff for me to guess how many seeds for a given individual, but 30 sounds pretty good to me for a particularly safe and sane way to test the waters the first time. 40 if you're feeling a little bolder. Glad to see that you've gotten all ducks in a row and have the process underway AG.
I concur with CH father about the bottled water, and I believe filtered water (such as with a Brita filter) also comes under the category of "good".
I too think it's a good idea to double check that a non-rebreather mask (not your usual mask - these often have to be special ordered) is being used. The ultimate O2 delivery alternative - Demand valve systems - are considered by anyone who has tried them to be the quickest and most effective and IMO should be more strongly recommended in the O2 info link at ch.com. They're more expensive, but let's get real here - quick, effective aborts are beyond priceless! So if FIL can afford one, I think that's a really good thing to look into for any CH'er.
What CHfather said. Plus, the injections and nasal inhalers (imitrex) interfere with the busting, so unfortunately it is advised to wait 5 days after the last dose of one of those before taking the RC seeds. For any severe attacks that FIL still has to abort with imitrex injection, this tip on how to stretch the doses can be invaluable: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/imitrex.html 15 LPM 100% O2 is better than most CH'ers are prescribed, but for me and many others we have to take it to minimum 25 LPM and hyperventilate it when the high cycle attacks are coming on strong. I actually have to take it to the 45 LPM range. Good that he's already doing the red bull, since chugging one at onset of attack right when going on the O2 can help the O2 abort last longer. I'm hoping a higher LPM could help FIL avoid the imitrex and get detoxed long enough to bust. Verapamil seems more iffy as far as whether it will interfere - I know that formerly chronic CH'er Brew here has reported some success busting with mushrooms while he was still on verap, then complete success when he got off the verap, so it may be worth a try? When FIL does take the RC seeds, I would advise taking them right before bed. Personally I've routinely taken 50 seeds before bed and felt nothing except one minute of nausea and a significantly better night's sleep than usual. The better sleep thing is very common with RC. About what the pain is like - well it is often referred to by female CH'ers as more severe than childbirth, plus it tends to be right behind the eye, which is a tough spot to take your mind off of. Besides the typical signs of someone being in agitated agony, a tearing, droopy eye on the CH side is a common indicator. I'm going to take back the presumptive "needless suffering" comment I initially made now that I know how aggressively FIL has been fighting the CH so far. :-[ We'll hopefully step his game up to that next beast killing level though.
Well he sure is lucky to have YOU! Needless suffering. That's my first take on what he's going through right now. Let's fix that! It really is possible for the vast majority of us CH'ers to find significant relief (me: 30 year CH'er finding lotsa relief). First order of business is to start using high liter flow 100% oxygen to abort the attacks as outlined in this link: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/O2/index.html It's available from medical suppliers by prescription (although idiots doctors usually write a prescription for ineffective low flow rebreather O2 - this can largely be ignored once the O2 is obtained). Or non prescription and available immediately from a welding supply place. Don't volunteer that it's for medical use though. Today would also be a very good day IMO for him to go on the anti inflammatory D3 regimen which appears to have shut down the cycles of some CH'ers and is just good for you in any case: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804 For a super powerful tried and true preventative, psilocybin mushrooms can knock a cycle right out for many of us. Many are fond of the much milder acting RC seeds too. Melatonin 9 to 18 mg before bed can prevent the night hits for some of us. Plenty of other ways to attack this beast, but for starters I've listed what I think are some of the primary things to do first. Stick with us, and please do whatever you can to get dad in-law on this site to hang around with his CH tribe. 8-) I think what you're doing here is going to save him.Â
Ha! Gee willikers I feel all special now! ;D Thanks for callin' me out Kaboomski. I've only been allowing myself enough time to read posts here but not to go off on my routine pontificating the past few days. Plus..um...kinda embarassed to admit this, but I'm going to go ahead and fess up anyway: I've never seen the Blues Brothers movie! Somehow I didn't even realize it was that iconic. Must plead cluelessness. Let Jeebs'n 'Boom now don their matching dunce caps. :-[ Your Kaboom/Sidekickkk road trip sounds like it could be a good bad opportunity for taking up the harmonica though. I do remember this one thing about the Blues Brothers on SNL - "RRRrubber bisCUIT!"
Oh Lordy that blows mightily. Thank gosh you are out of cycle, and here's hoping things get resolved as quickly as possible so you'll be able to get back to delivering knockout punches to this beast without that risk of it being reported.Â
Well you both got me LOL'ing. ;D All I have to offer at the moment is a classic Youtube video - in case any of you haven't seen this one yet: It's the Japanese game show taking place in a public library where everyone is saying "shhhhh!", and the contestant who pulls the skull card has to undergo some kind of torment while remaining quiet. I don't know why torments like "bad smell air" seem funny in this context - but I'm ashamed to admit they do to me. This may be mainly appreciated by guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVHlWcI6vBs The original link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVHlWcI6vBs
Somebody needs to alert some reality show producers to the Kaboom, Sidekickkk and younger sister family - the quirkiness of this 100% cuckoo clan couldn't possibly not be a hit. 8-) ;D
That's right I remember Kaboom was wearing pale blue socks when one of the hotel staffers tried to touch her slippers. Big mistake. Don't try this Dan.
Dan, this is a photo of Kaboom's actual footwear taken at the OUCH conference: Dig those socks, too.Â
Thank God for CHfather - the peppermint thing is really worth trying IMO, but I had forgotten about it. :-[
That's a tuff call, isn't it? On one hand, There have been some here including myself who have gotten results from RC, only to find that suddenly we take a dose and nothing happens, and it raises the question of potency for the particular batch of seeds. I (and others) have ended up moving on to mushrooms and getting the desired results when the RC does nothing. But you are a HEAVYWEIGHT in the tolerance dept., so I'm afraid I just don't know whether taking a high dose of RC would be worth trying or not, :-/ or if since you are so resistant, should you go with a more heavyweight (IMO) busting material such as psilocybin to match?
Hey Stephen - glad to hear that at least the energy drink action appears to hold some promise. Just FYI in case you haven't read this yet - Melatonin dosage range for CH is commonly considered to be 9 mg before bed for starters, all the way up to 18 mg or even 21 mg until you get best results, and this is known to be the most effective form: n-Acetyl-5-Methoxytryptamine We're rootin' for ya.Â
4 months PF Dan? In a row?? I think the official 2011 Clusterbusting poster boy has just been crowned! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Here's a link to one of the RC suppliers that CH'ers around here order from: http://www.iamshaman.com
LOL I've tried it up the nose! It was in the form of cayenne cream, and it actually aborted a couple lower level hits for me before that particular episode ramped up into high kip territory, at which point it lost all effectiveness. The way the beast is giving you the grand slam treatment right now I doubt it would do anything for you. :-/
Hey Rob, Since this D3 regimen originated over at the ch.com message board I imagine you'll get maximum replies there, but meantime I'm copying some stuff from over there as I think it may shed some light on the subject: "....regimen consists of the following: 2000-3000mg. Omega 3 fish Oil 10,000 I.U. vitamin D3 500 mg. Calcium (two calcium citrate tablets formulated with 800 mg. vitamin D3, 80 mg. magnesium and 10 mg. zinc. You can take the above all at once in the am or pm and try to wash it down with lemonade or limeade for the first week..... ......Calcium citrate and the citric acid from the lemonade combine in the stomach to form a buffer that should elevate your arterial pH to the upper end of the normal range. This will help stimulate vasoconstriction and that should help make the CH triggering mechanism less effective."
I get the thing about the big picture here, not advising people to put off trying the psychedelic treatments, etc., I think these are valid concerns. But I'm becoming concerned about an inadvertent, temporary chilling effect that could have real repercussions for new CH'ers/supporters coming here and getting little or no timely advice. CHfather, you've been the guy lately who's always been there in the trenches, quick to take on any newcomer and guide them through every facet of what they wish or need to find out about, then continually following up with them. I really can't express how much I admire that. I'm not seeing you around today and it looks to me (over reaction?) like things could be threatening to go to hell a bit at the moment. Today I'm the only one who has responded to JustAddWater in his "Same questions, new guy", topic. Not good. I'm trying, but need some backup with him and the "New to Site...no idea what I'm doing" topic. This is some serious sh*t that's in danger of neglected in my view, so if we've run CHfather off now - the main guy, the really organized, well researched guy who was doing the most heavy lifting in regards to getting in there and really helping individuals on a case by case basis, how about those members who want to keep the forum focused on psychedelics going in and picking up some of the slack? We have people asking about busting and specifically seeds and mushrooms.... [Edit: I see that the angelic DereksGirl has just posted a late night reply to JustAddWater, so I'm not feeling quite as cold and all alone , just jonesin' for some CHfather. :'(]
RC reportedly can be a hallucinogen in very high doses, but that sort of dose would be much higher than a therapeutic CH dose. At a fairly generous 40-50 seeds before bed CH dose, the main side effect for me (and for others who have reported the same here) is a better than usual night's sleep. I've found it to definitely be much more mild acting than a therapeutic dose of mushrooms.
Sounds like you might be better off with RC (Rivea Corymbosa) seeds for busting to start with - and maybe finish with too - since they are legal to order and possess. That is if there indeed won't be any testing for LSA, which is the active busting ingredient in RC.
Hi Justy, O2 - as in high flow 100% O2, not the commonly prescribed low flow/rebreather O2 - is an absolute must for you IMO. I would personally also hop right on that specific D3 for CH regimen, even if that's not the exact focus of this forum. Another very important thing I think is to try to find out exactly what sort of drug testing is done, because the way I've heard it, testing for something like LSA or psilocybin is expensive and not usually done. You could be in the clear and ready to bust (??).
Happy Bee Day 1961'er!
Hi Glenna, I just replied to your post over at ch.com, going into a bit of detail advising the high flow O2, Vitamin D3 regimen, energy drinks, and of course busting. I think it's also important to note here that Dr. Kundu doesn't appear to know jack about treating CH. :'( I figure you'll wanna drop him like a hot Tennessee tater. (I'm currently in TN too, so I'm giving myself license to talk like that ;D) Stay tuned - if you're lucky some fantastique additional advice will be forthcoming from CHfather et al. 8-)
I talked a doctor into giving me a magnesium sulfate I.V. once with great expectations. I had to pull over on the way home from the I.V. and whip out an injector. The I.V. did nuthin' whatsoever for me. :-?