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Everything posted by ThatHurtsMyHead

  1. Purple, Please read, read, read. Knowledge is power and no one knows more about your body and how it reacts to things than you. You may be trying to equate seeds to how much LSA is contained in them. Don't bother  As I mentioned earlier LSA degrades significantly after 6 months. A seed just picked has significantly different levels of LSA than a seed that's been sitting on a shelf for one or even two years before it was sold. If YOU choose to, I would recommend starting small and working your way to a seed count YOU feel comfortable with. No one can tell you exactly how many seeds it will take to bust your particular CH cycle. Methods: There are dozens of different methods that people use to take their medicine (seeds). Several are mentioned above. No one method is better than another. Many are just personal preference. Pick one method (simplest) and try that. If you get nausia, or bad taste in your mouth etc. then look over what other busters have changed and modify your own recipe to address what works best for you. (RC) Simplest is the old crush and soak in distilled water for 2 hours. Then either filter and drink just the water, or drink the entire concoction (sludge and all). Nothing else is necessary, but I've personaly found a few drops of mint extract helps get the vile tasting stuff down.. ha... PF Wishes, Jeff
  2. What time on Sat? I've got a fairly busy schedule, but will defintely fit it in if at all possible. IE Jeff
  3. Jerry, As yours! It's the collective experimenting and sharing of knowledge that's helping not only ourselves (or daughters but others as well Ideally if we could refine the seeds down to only the LSA we could effectively dose with a known amount. Issue: while we CAN refine it fairly well (even with common kitchen utensils and chemicals). Measuring 1mg is nearly impossible. Also, even with refining it, other contaminants are also extracted which make measuring extremely small amounts even more challenging. PW Wishes Tucker!! Jeff
  4. Spiny, Funny, I sleep sitting up also. I learned years ago it seemed to lessen the pain for some reason. Jeff
  5. CHFather, Completely agree with you. NO ONE should take a large dose out of the gate. After a light first dose a person should be able to gage the combination of their sensitivity to the substance and strength of their substance (They also gain confidence of how they'll react). From that, a second dose can more accurately be sized. Also completely agree with Bob's prior disscusion around Seeds and LSA content. Please keep in mind it's not just if seeds float or sink that determines their LSA content. MORE importantly it's their age. LSA degrades significantly after 6 months. From my prior experience with HBWR and RC seeds: I've taken 20 HBWR seeds from one vendor with NO effects. I've taken 4 seeds from another vendor that was quite intense. We have no way of determining how old the seeds we receive are. The best way is a first light dose and resize the dose after that. Once you receive a new batch of seeds you should ALWAYS start back with a light dose to reasses the chemical content and proper number of seeds for dosing with each batch. On number of days between doses: Completely agree one should wait 5 days if possible. Once one gains experience (or is in a bad place) each individual could experiment with shortening their time period (sooo many factors can impact it - other medication, foods eaten, body chemistry, substance, strength of substance, time in cycle, etc etc). BUT do still agree to wait the 5 days if possible, as that may negate some of the other factors that support a longer wait. Jeff
  6. Get well and hurry back Mystina!! Good vipes going your way and PF wishes! Jeff
  7. Purple, Yes, what I've read in the way back machine... Our attacks normally come when we enter REM. Jeff
  8. Alleyoop, did a very good job explaining circumstances around dosing in less than 5 days.  There are lots of variables I believe. My prior experience with Seeds when they worked for me, a few times I dosed as short a time as 3 days. With the same dose I was able to scrape the surface of getting effects (which is what I try to do, so I know I'm getting enough of the chemicals to bust the CH, but not more than is necessary). For LSA it's that 1mg threshold that needs to be broken for most success, per the doctor reviewed studies (but not everyone needs 1mg). I don't have the link anymore but there's a poster PDF on this website that shows in the details that 100% of people that took over 1mg LSA had success. That's pretty powerful information!  I always fast for 6+ hours before dosing. Religously Last year (June) I missed my maintenance dose and my CH came back with a vengance the seeds (LSA) quit working. I tried mescaline only 2 days after seeds and had a shall we say fairly heavy experience (very unpleasant, but I'd do again if it stopped the CH). While I had a trip, it didn't do anything for my CH. My attacks didn't miss a beat. 2 days later an angel dropped some vitamin M on my doorstep. Had a not so pleasant experience, but not as bad as mescaline. The next day my CH was significantly better. Going from memory I think I waited either 2 or 3 days and dosed again. And again significantly more improvement. I've since changed to only vitamin M for my preventative doses. Hope this helps, PF Wishes, Jeff
  9. Bubbles, I always get crazy dreams a few weeks before my CH starts. Has done it since I remember my CH starting. By crazy I mean REALLY bad / crazy dreams. I've heard not many but a few others experience the same thing. I use dreams as a gage as to when my CH is coming back. Thus far it's been 100% reliable indicator the beast is coming. Jeff
  10. Tucker, While it's recommended to wait 5 days, it's not critical to wait. Waiting 2 to 3 days is fine if you're not doing well. Also likely need to up the dose if the seeds are weak (which sounds like they may be). Another reason not to wait the full 5 days, if your first dose was with weak seeds the wait period isn't as critical. Have you started sourcing vitamin M? I found seeds worked great for a year then stopped for some reason, but Vitamin M has worked great since. PF Wishes, Jeff
  11. Ya gotta LOVE waking up in the morning and realizing you didn't get hit ALL NIGHT!!!! WAhoooooooo Jef
  12. Fireside, Tampa here. Hope you find someone local. Best wishes on your migraines. Jeff
  13. Mrsgrneyedldy, PF wishes to you. I'm sending you some good vibes. hang in there. Jeff
  14. oh,, Hell... Spiny's response was as funny as the joke.. Jeff
  15. There seem to be several Choctaw Casino's around the internet. What's the address? Got room for one more that's not a fogee?... (ok I'm getten there but refuse to yield)... I've not had a very good success rate of getting out of work lately but, figured I'd try again. One of these meets gotta work out sometime. Love you guys / gals, Jeff
  16. 18 years old, they started (I'm 42 now). Eposodic and would have from 1 to 3 cluster periods each year... Got worse every year... Then I found Clusterbusters. Only one real full blown attack in the last two years since my first bust.!!! That one was my own fault for not dosing when I should have. Jeff
  17. As I got older... Um... er... I'm really not that old My cycles got longer and more painful. Since starting busting (two years now) I've only had one full blown cycle and that was because I pulled a stupid and didn't take my medicine on time. That cycle was unresponsive to seeds but fungus put it down fairly quickly. Dosing every 2 to 3 months since and all's clear!! yippe... PF days are still here!!! Jeff
  18. MONSTER ROCKS....... Blue can Jeff
  19. I have to give props to Tranceplants! They are very responsive via email and always have taken care of myself and others I've refered to them. A+ operation. Jeff
  20. I'm in!! AND I'd highly recommend we INNUNDATE the court with witnesses that have CH from this board, if anyone were to be prosecuted!!!! In my minds eye I could see the jury hearing witness after witnsss after witness with CH that successfully treated their CH with these alternative treatments that found NO relief from the Dr prescribed cr$p.... I'd take some vacation to go testify for any of my CH brothers and sisters from this board!... Jeff
  21. iPain, Can't agree more with Les... Verapamil helped me the first cycle I ever took it. Thought it was a miracle drug. The next cycle it did nothing helpfull, BUT did start some heart problems PVC's. (Premature Ventricle Contractions). Thankfully the PVC's are gone now, but I'll never be in the same room with that CR$P again, much less ever put it in my body. Many of us here have been to the dark place you speak of. I've personally been seconds from the receiving end of a 9... Things DO get better!!! Sent you a PM call anytime 24 X 7. 1) O2, O2, O2 first, last and only thing you'll need to get from your doctor. 2) Detox from the prescription stuff while using O2 to abort (EARLY! don't wait thinking the attack you're feeling will go away). The earlier you start 100% O2 at an attack the quicker and better it works to abort. 3) Bust! There are many types to use. I've personally tried 4 different busting methods, Seeds containing LSA worked great for a year, but lost their punch and I switched to fungus. Fungus has worked GREAT since. PF Wishes! Jeff
  22. Great looking family! But talk about being out numbered wow.. Jeff
  23. Renee, Good words of wisdom!! Jeff
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