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Shaun brearley

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Everything posted by Shaun brearley

  1. If your gonna take antidepressants as a preventative for CH, all I can see coming from that is you will end up addicted to antidepressants ans still have CH, oxygen first and foremost to abort varapamil as a preventative and triptan injections as last resort to abort
  2. Yes we are aware of suicide of people who have been members of CB, but again not something we like to talk about, I don't understand what you will get from people answering your questions
  3. Don't think many people would admit to it, so not really a question needed on this forum
  4. Agree with everything said, I was diagnosed with sinus problems first of all then wisdom tooth on right side removed, still in pain, I'd really go and see a headache specialist, best people to get diagnosed by
  5. I stock pile SAMITRIPTAIN all through year, I don't use them but I've got them if people need them
  6. Hi @victorp, really sorry you had to find us here, but it's the best place to learn about this sh_t disease!!!!, sorry to hear it took so long to get your diagnosis but that is usual, you should be able to buy a regulator to up your O2 to 15L/PM, as for your shadows have you tried Ginger. A lot of us use it, you can get it in lots of different forms, Candy, tea, tablet, it seems to work for a lot of use
  7. And the god himself has travelled for America again
  8. Wish I could be there this year, but I'm working, doing what I love driving tour coach around Europe, didn't think I'd be doing this as CH f__ked up my life, but thanks to you guys and girl on clusterbusters.org I got my life back,
  9. I will put my list together, you will just have to wait a bit, it's long!!!!!!!!
  10. I haven't got a problem with your experiences at all , but your post states CURE !!!!!!! , your not cured simple as that !!!!!, and yes I'm know in my 27th month pain free , Have you ever thought that your CH has just switched sides
  11. @Douglas Wardwhat gets me with your posts , is you jump in with i have the cure , then you say you still get attacks, so when people question you , you say its just my experience, so it's NOT a cure!!!!!! It's just your experience!!!!!!!!!. Then you attack the group , if you are cured from CH buddy I would just leave this group , NO need for you to be here ,
  12. I understand that , But the word cure shouldn't be used , it give false hope
  13. All im saying is , if it was as easy as booking a flight to south africa and visiting the miracle doctor Shevel , every CH sufferer would be banging on his door , but we're Not !!!!!!!!!
  14. Mate I'm not saying I don't believe you , I'm just saying from my experience their i s no cure , and yes I have CH have done for 44years , and yes I've had a rope around my neck on 3 occasions , my cycles last 6 months at a time 8 to 15 attacks every day and through the night , , I've banged my head on the floor the wall I've even had my partner knock me out with a frying pan , I also stab myself in the leg with a knife just to try to put the pain somewhere else , so yes I would say I have experienced CH ant it's worst !!!!!!!!!
  15. Sorry not having a go , just don't like people being given false hope
  16. Sorry but B--LS--T , no cute and probably never will be , you are just in a long remission simple as that , you will be back on this site sooner or later , saying shit that didn't work after all !!!!!!!!
  17. I had shadows all the time between hit when in cycle , but have been using ginger to stop that happening and it worked for me , no more shadows
  18. @M-Phillylie through the back of your teeth buddy , if it gets you what you need
  19. Happy New year to all us head bangers , hope we all have a great new year and lots of PFD'S
  20. Merry Christmas @BoscoPikohope you have a pain free great day
  21. Everything @CHfatherhas said I double down on , If your struggling to get samatriptain private message me , I may be able to help , but you really need to be careful with them as over use will prolong cycle
  22. Hi glad you found us , but sorry you had to , let us all know what your neuro has prescribed you and ask questions we don't have all the answers but we can help great bunch of nutters on here with answers and support
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