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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. Well as Spiny said, migraines have been known to respond - and respond very well - to busting, but I know figuring out whether that's something that could help in your mom's case won't be easy, what with this having started with the pituitary gland tumor and all. Thanks for the further details, really hoping there with be a breakthrough for you.
  2. I can say I sure as heck hope that clusterbusting could be of help to your mom (but I don't know at this point whether it's advisable).  Has any headache specialist given her a diagnosis of exactly what she has, or have they not been able to come up with anything definitive? As BB said, reading those files should be a good resource. You may have better results getting to those files with this link here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=files Dan, the guy in that documentary, hangs around on this forum BTW, so you may run into him. Please let clusterbusting or something work for Milly's mom! Â
  3. Yeah plus that smart doggy has some weird tuft of fur or something shooting off the tip of it's left nostril doesn't it?? Looking at that would wig me out if I was on 10 HBWR seeds.Â
  4. NICE. 8-) Glad the HBWR clearly kicked in and I hope you enjoyed the night of complimentary 3D TV programming. ;D
  5. Here's hoping the HBWR dose wasn't too strong and that you get a good bust out of it Jeff! 8-) Although RC seeds are my preference and are more popular amongst CH'ers here due to their convenience and stuff, there certainly have been people reporting good results with HBWR.
  6. Mushrooms have chitlins in them??!! Oh...wait a minute OK I see that is actually chitin. ;D Thanks for the lemon juice tip domino - I'm gong to seriously consider trying that.
  7. Thank gawsh Bob was born, as he continues to make an incalculably HUGE difference in the lives of tons of CH'ers! For he's a jolly good fellow. [smiley=birthdays.gif] [smiley=birthdays.gif]
  8. Hi Bmex, I'm a bit late to the party, sorry (was outa town), but I'd like to hop in here and second BB's suggestion about the neurologist, and this part is critically important: specifically a headache specialist. No garden variety neuros allowed! They generally don't have the training, whereas one thing a headache specialist tends to be really good at is the all important accurate diagnosis. If the headache specialist tells you you have CH, well I'd recommend coming back here and checking out what us CH vets have found to often be more effective and just far superior for prevention than any drugs the MDs dish out, before you get into popping any side effect ridden prescription pills. 8-)
  9. Oh Lordy I think Lee Ann might be saying that even the scibbies have now been removed!Â
  10. I too would try increasing the dose, with a fresh batch of seeds, and at the same time, for a back up, I'd also be looking into whether some mushrooms or paper could be found.
  11. YAY for the working shunt! Cocktail parties on both sides of the head for everyone! ;D BOO for the horrible CH upon waking!! :'( > LOL at:  ;D
  12. I hope the doc can do something for ya, even if that doesn't usually seem to be the case with MDs and these sorta conditions. :-? This Dr. Mercola guy seems to often have insights and potential solutions for such issues: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2099/12/31/probiotics-for-good-digestive-health.aspx?e_cid=20120106_DNL_artTest_A7 http://probiotics.mercola.com/probiotics.html?e_cid=20111013_DNL_art_1 Disclaimer: occasionally I think he goes a bit cuckoo hysterical on some other topics. :-?
  13. Very sorry to hear of the trials and tribs y'all are having. I think BlueB said it all and said it very well - I second it all. And although this may go without saying (that's never stopped me before!) it sounds to me like this would be a good time to avoid any strong psychedelics like mushrooms or paper, since there's the possibility they could aggravate things. Peace to y'all, -Jeebs
  14. Whoa. Y'all are all McPregBilly USA now! ;D Congrats.Â
  15. UGH3. :'( Very disappointed and sorry to hear that. :'( Well let's assume they're really going to get this one working just right, and you'll be able to part company with them for a good while and enjoy a life without dinner parties on one side of the head. Time for dinner parties on BOTH sides of the head. ;D We have that poll going regarding which side people experience CH on - will we need to have one now on which side their dinner parties are on??Â
  16. Oh come on I really don't know if the stuff in that video is actually humanly possible - maybe it's CG animation trickery or something. You CF'ers are KRAZY. I can see why the barfing buckets are standard CF equipment. Hey I just realized you've gone from a CH'er to a CF'er.  8-)
  17. Yeah let's go with the plan A of it not being bad! 8-) It will be a fine day indeed when you get past all this dam bullsh** balogna baloney.Â
  18. This NY Times article that made it to the NYT headline stories that show up in my Google home page is about how psychedelic drugs can help patients face death, and it also mentions use of psychedelics for treatment of other conditions, including CH: "Grob and his colleagues are part of a resurgence of scientific interest in the healing power of psychedelics. Michael Mithoefer, for instance, has shown that MDMA is an effective treatment for severe P.T.S.D. Halpern has examined case studies of people with cluster headaches who took LSD and reported their symptoms greatly diminished. And psychedelics have been recently examined as treatment for alcoholism and other addictions." It's nice to be seeing more and more of this sorta thing in the mass media. 8-)
  19. I'm not sure of the science on this, and I know some have been concerned that unnecessarily high starting doses of RC are recommended by responders here, but I can tell ya I'm never in any mood for proceeding cautiously with counter attacking the beast, and I go for at least 50 seeds. To me, taking 50 RC seeds is NOTHING compared to something like taking 1.5g of mushrooms which is something I seriously brace myself for. Yep, both tend to be considered to be fine with busting. Please get yerself some high flow 100% O2 from a welding supply place if necessary. It's important that you do this yesterday. ;D 5 days oughta be fine. Whether you should stop, well IMO that question is a tuffy (for the same reasons Pixie laid out). :-?
  20. We've been thinking about you too Ting. I believe you're one of CB's most accomplished *graduates*. Best of luck when you go kick some royal booty at that CrossFit Challenge.  ;D
  21. UGH2. :'( For the record though, I'm with Kymera in the never ceasing to be amazed and entertained dept.Â
  22. Oh Lordy, that is some seriously unhealthy diet action going on over there, but those people have a sense of humor I have to admit. ;D Anyplace where you find a topic titled "I just deep fried a f**king pop tart!".... :D
  23. UGH. Man I sure hope you're in and outa there in as much of a jiffy as possible, and I seriously mean toot sweet! Please, let there be a good alternative to more fecking shunt surgery. :-?
  24. I hope your doc is a one in a million rare bird - my understanding is that doctors don't receive any training in herbal remedies and simply know nothing about them unless they've taken on independent study. :-?
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