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Everything posted by mit12

  1. Siegfried, yes I have been chronic migraine for most of my life. I used to get clusters at least 3 days a week but I have never had a cluster without having a migraine first. My attacks are also long, 3 to 5 hour hits with 30 minutes between hits. I busted a few years ago and I got my clusters under controll but I can not seem to get the migraines under controll. Seeds seemed to help but they are no longer working for the migraines.
  2. I have had my clusters under controll for a while but the migraines are kicking my butt. I got caught up in the Triptan rabbit hole 36 Zomig in 6 weeks, followed by 36 in 30 days. The migraines were consuming my life again. I stopped the D3 program and I decided that I needed to stop taking Zomig! This set my migraines into over drive until one day when I hade Cluster events during the migraines for 2 days, the following day I was headache free. I started up the D3 program again. Its been a week and so far its been way better. I am getting short migraines that start about 3 pm and last until about 11 pm. I am able to get rid of them without taking anything. I hope that by me posting this I can stop someone from going down this path.
  3. So I slipped getting into the back of my truck and took a good hit to the shin which resulted in me getting Cellulites. Doctor started me on Ciprofloxacin HCL 500mg twice a day. Before this I was having migraines every day which at some point will trigger clusters. Usually antibiotics give me headaches but this antibiotic has seemed to stop the migraines. Has anyone experienced something similar?
  4. I know when the cycle is going to end when mine change sides. 99% of mine are on the right side when the cycle ends I get one extremely bad one on the left side.
  5. Thanks for the kind words. I guess that having migraine pain defiantly sucks but at least I can function with them whereas with clusters I could not.
  6. I have been getting Migraine headaches every day for the last month, yet I thank god that my Clusters are under controll!
  7. Triptans are a blessing and a curse. I use them when on vacations so that I do not ruin our trip. The problem is taking them seems to keep you in a cycle, like your brain needs them. I have to get off them cold turkey which is a real headache lol!
  8. I start out at 15ml/s and huff fast and hard for a few minutes than turn down to 8ml/s and take a deep breath and hold it until the bag fills and breath out and take another deep breath until I get relief.
  9. As soon as the stress goes away I get hit.
  10. Zookah, Welcome to the site and sorry you have to be here. You are at the right place, there are some great people on this site that will help you in your journey. Busting, vitamin D3 program and O2 will make a huge difference in your life. Hang in there and good luck.
  11. PTSD and depression. I remember before I found this site and with the help of a few members on this site that pushed me along and I had success with busting, I used to have a small bag that I had all my rescue medicines, Zomig, PM asprin, energy drink, flexerall, Naproxin, Percodan etc. If I ever forgot my black bag I was panacked there was no way I could make it through the day. As I sit now thanks to Cluster Busters and the great people on this site I am free of depression I no longer have my black bag and best of all I want to live again! Cluster headaches are evil.
  12. First I need to explain that I never get a cluster headache without first having a Migraine that stays completely through the attack. I can have Migraines by them self but never a cluster by its self. I can not say for sure that energy drinks make a difference with my clusters unless I take a zomig with the energy drink. Now for Migraines I take 3 Advil PM and drink a energy drink and it seems to stop them from getting worse, may be like it is stopping the cluster attack.
  13. The more stress I am under the better it is for CH, but when the stress goes away I’m screwed!
  14. To think that I had a doctor tell me that I need to hide the pain from my wife because it upsets her?
  15. Anything that works will stop working in time.
  16. I have both migraines and clusters. I can have a migraine by it’s self but never have a cluster without a migraine. I can have a migraine for days and then I start getting cluster events during the migraine. My cluster attacks are quite different because the hit typically last for 3 to 5 hours with 30 to 60 minutes between hits. The longer the hit the longer time between the hits. I know when the attack is over when the migraine goes away. It could be a day or week or two than it comes back again.
  17. Sitting on the floor rocking back and forth with one eye closed and a heat pack on my head. Some times I will hit the tile floor with a closed fist. It is not uncommon to have a real sore hand and blisters on my head.
  18. Income for a congressman is 175k to 225k for the speaker. They are all multi millionaires, you can go online and see how much money big pharma, oil and gass, doctors groups and hospitals give them to stay uninvolved. It is a shame.
  19. If I take triptans for more than 3 days I will get rebound headaches. I have to go cold turkey off the triptans or the headaches will come everyday. I am retired so I only take triptans when I have something I have to do and O2 is not getting it done.
  20. One thing I can not understand is when my life is super stressful and seems out of controll I do not have headaches but as soon as things smooth out I get hit hard. Anyone have the this type of thing?
  21. Zomiz nasil spray worked great for me and real fast, but rebounds were insane. When my insurance was strong i used to go through 75 nasel sprays in 3 mounth plus what my doctor used to give me as samples. Now days my insurance will not pay for the spray which is actually a blessing in the long run. Busting, O2 and energy drinks and an occasional Zomig tab for me now.
  22. Over 30 years of having real bad Migraines so I thought. Went to the doc and he asked why I was sweating and looking uncomfortable? I told him I am dealing with kidney stones. He asked me how kidney stones feel compared to my headaches? I told him they are a piece of cake. That is when he started treating me for CH and it was the first relief I had. Being misdiagnosed is unfortunately common. You have found the right place, there are a lot of great people on this site that can and will help you.
  23. Coolestnurse, When I get CH attacks they last at least 3 hours and have had them last for 5 hours. The time between hits is usually with about 1/2 hour. The most hits I have ever had in a day was 4, typically I only get 3 hits a day.
  24. Brandylynn, These Clusters are a strange beast. yes I feel the same way as you, it seems that anything you take all the time will stop working. I use triptans on occasion, but I try not to use them unless I am someware that I can not use oxygen or if I have to be someware real quick. For me triptans cause me to have more cycles if I use them more than one day.
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