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Signing off for a bit !!!!

Shaun brearley

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Don't won't any1 to think I've just vanished ,or forgot them 

I won't be around for a bit could be for a long bit , my daughter has been involved in a accident and is on life support . I'm normally pretty active on this forum and I don't won't any of my buddy's, ie bej , spiny, Bosco  or CHfather or Jono to think I've just disappeared.  But back when I can . 

Love to all , keep pain free 

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  On 7/4/2022 at 7:04 PM, Shaun brearley said:

Don't won't any1 to think I've just vanished ,or forgot them 

I won't be around for a bit could be for a long bit , my daughter has been involved in a accident and is on life support . I'm normally pretty active on this forum and I don't won't any of my buddy's, ie bej , spiny, Bosco  or CHfather or Jono to think I've just disappeared.  But back when I can . 

Love to all , keep pain free 


Oh man @Shaun brearley so sorry to hear about your daughter! Sending prayers for a full recovery!!

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Just a quick update on my daughter . Firstly I will let you know what happened . Terri was walking home the early hours of Saturday morning and got hit by a lorry whilst crossing the road . She has multiple injury the most major being her brain plus shattered pelvis hip and spline is split in half . Surgeon's tried to operate last Wednesday but during the op the pressure in her brain rose so high they had to stop the op . So we know wait again . She is still in an induced coma at present but hoping to wake her up this weekend . Going to attempt to operate on her pelvis and hip next wednesday

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OMG, unspeakably horrible. Tears just reading this.

She's so young though, which always helps for best recovery capability, so pulling with every fiber for a successful wake up this weekend. 

Undoubtedly the best surgeons get involved in cases like this, and there's a lot to be said for modern/advancing medicine with such trauma/injuries.

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Wow that's horrific. A parents worst nightmare. I'm so sorry this has happened and have been praying everyday for her and your family to get through this. I'll continue to pray. Stay strong and know all your cluster buddies are pulling for you and yours!

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  On 7/12/2022 at 7:17 PM, Shaun brearley said:

Daughter doing so much better . Off all sedation hoping she wakes soon . Still got this massive op on her pelvis and hip which is going ahead tomorrow . Thanks for all you love and prayers 


Sounds like the road is still long but I am so happy to hear some improvement! And yea what Bejeeber said I said!

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GREAT NEWS my daughter's operation was a success.  Really long recovery starts from know bless her . Still not awake yet could take a bit of time for that to happen . She was under really deep sudation for 10 day but she could also wake tomorrow . 1 more operation on her shoulder but as the surgeon said that can wait 


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Oh my god just got back from visiting my daughter in hospital and she is know awake :D on really heavy pain killers so still groggy plus still on breathing tube at present , but slowly but surely my family and i are getting her back . This is probably 1 of the best days in my life I can't stop smiling.  Gonna open a bottle of champagne to celebrate 

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Wow, thanks for this report Shaun - the biggest of the big events ever, and the ultimate cause for celebration! Let the healing continue, and as swiftly as possible!

Also, amidst all the hubbub, please don't neglect to swig down your daily D3 regimen pills with that champagne. :D

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