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Dallas Denny

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Everything posted by Dallas Denny

  1. Sorry, but you definitely won't find any sadness from myself over the butchers demise.....and his clinic closed after he was arrested for the murder of one of his patients and his license was revoked!!
  2. Yup jeebster, made this old man's eyes leak as well!! Absolutely wonderful and well written testament @LaurenAla! So very sorry for your loss!! As BeJeeber’s said, our supporters are our hero's......clusters are equally devastating for both the clusterhead and the supporter!! Thank you so much for sharing ya'lls journey with us Lauren...... ....Fair winds and following seas Lukas...
  3. @jon019....apparently Danny boy fell out of favor with the butcher according to this article I found..... "Shevel has a lot to contend with right now, not to mention a public feud in 2015 involving his son Daniel, according to a TimesLIVE report, who alleged that his father was conducting illegal medical experiments on his patients, and that “innocent people have been hurt, some have been killed”. At the time, Shevel Jnr was locked in a legal tussle for defaulting on thousands of rands in rental owed to his father for the flat in which he stayed in Cape Town. Rather bizarrely, he was also claiming the Hawks were attempting to assassinate him. The migraine guru’s son (47 at the time) was also involved in a nasty spat peppered with supposed death threats after being fired from his father’s business in December 2015 for apparent misconduct and insubordination, which included an attempted hostile takeover of The Headache Clinic, locking his father out, encouraging staff to strike, stealing patients’ files and computer disks and hacking staff emails. Daniel unsuccessfully challenged his axing in the Labour Court and failed to have his father disciplined by the HPCSA, which found no evidence of unprofessional conduct.:
  4. Hard for me to believe but we went live 15 years ago on the 27th of this month!! It's been one hell of a ride!! Dallas Denny
  5. Absolutely!! And even if it's not protruding I can find that vein with my finger and feel the pulse! DD
  6. @Racer1_NC I looked at this link and it acknowledges and thanks you for helping to maintain this doc list....if that's still the case can you get the doc in the previous comment added? DD
  7. Well damn! That just sux and bloze as the jeebster would say!! Sorry to see that the Beast is having his way with so many of us!! On a positive note though, I'm thinkin maybe the bastard Beast overheard a conversation I had in the past couple of days regarding DiMiTri and got skeered!!! After having heavy shadows all day I went to sleep at 9 last nite and woke up at 8 this morning......zero, zilch, nada in the hits department!! This after 2 back to back 6 hit nites!!! Feelin quite refreshed this mornin so my mantra at bedtime going forward shall be, " better behave Beast or I'll get DiMiTri after ya!!!"
  8. Welcome to the community @col! The standard clusterbusters protocol is 1 to 1.5g every 5 days for a min of 3 doses and you need to detox from most pharma drugs for 5 days prior to dosing. Dallas Denny
  9. .....IS IN DALLAS TEXAS!!!! Yee fecken hawww!!!!! DD
  10. @Hollikat31 @Doctalkjoe Sadly, Doc Mike passed away a few years back.....the last I heard, which has been quite some time now, his brother in law Doc Rick was still administering the shot. Unfortunately, Doc Mike kept the formula he used to determine dosages close to the vest. The number for Doc Mike was included in my post when I started this thread so you might try it for info Dallas Denny
  11. @TorontoCanada I can only recall one forum member from the NYC area and he hasn't been active here in several years!! If you're on Facebook, I know there are several folks from NYC in the "Cluster Headaches (Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia)" group who may be able to lend some advice! Dallas Denny
  12. Welcome to the community @SeanSydney! Unfortunately, the OP posted this thread on the day he joined and hasn't visited the board since that day! Tell us about yourself and treatments you've tried and perhaps we can give you some guidance! Dallas Denny
  13. @Snowflake There is an excellent book that was written and published several years ago by a good friend who is also a clusterhead!! Cluster Headaches: A Guide to Surviving One of the Most Painful Conditions Known to Man https://a.co/d/3kZwmXJ Dallas Denny
  14. Welcome to the community @Lymestoney! To my knowledge it's only available thru the clusterheadache dot com store I'm afraid! If you happen to have plans to attend our 2nd annual clusterbusters European patient conference in Glasgow in May you might be able to purchase one there!! I know that we did send a few to last years inaugural event. After having used one for 15 years I can tell you if I were to lose mine I would gladly pay $75 to replace it! They are just that good!! Dallas Denny
  15. @Douglas Ward Yes, we all get that you're promoting Dr Shevel and interested in recruiting neurologists to learn his procedures. First, I know of no one in the online clusterhead communities who would ever reccomend him or his procedures as an option to another clusterhead. Second, same thing goes for reccomending to a neurologist that they should seek out his knowledge and/or experience. And lastly, advertising, marketing, and promotion is prohibited in this forum and any future attempts by you to do so will result in an immediate ban. Dallas Denny
  16. @Douglas Ward So now you think it's cool to post something from someone dissing our founder and all of us who have been here day in and day out for the last 15 years answering questions and supporting other clusterheads? Just shaking my fucking head at the audacity of some folks.....the rest of you can put up with this bullshit if you want but I'm out...
  17. Wow, it's been quite a spell since Danny boy put up a post about Quack Shevel!! If you're new here please don't get your hopes up over this BULLSHIT!!! DD
  18. @spinyhas been successful getting MC coverage for O2 I believe?? The original approval was at least a year ago so you'd think it would be common knowledge regionally by now???
  19. Sorry I missed this thread somehow....the CGRP meds like emgality are thought not to be blockers as they don't bind to the 5ht2a brain receptors like vitamin M or L. As @BoscoPikostated, like most pharma drugs they throw at clusterheads they work for some while some folks get zero efficacy!! I think Trex injections are the only one that works almost universally....unfortunately prolonged and/or overuse is thought to cause rebound hits!! Generally speaking, I'd estimate pharma drugs for ch fall into the 50/50 category......20 years now of anecdotal evidence here and at clusterheadache dot com puts busting at 75 to 80% efficacy!! As to altitude @Elder Emo, one of our other mods @spinylives on a mountain in NC and I've heard her tell of getting hit going up or down......I doubt she's talkin mile high altitude like Denver so id think it could be a factor.....btw, I grew up in Colo Springs and made a short lived move to Denver in 76......lived in an old, old 3 story house in downtown on the edge of Cheesman Park!! Dallas Denny
  20. Probably not much help here @mit12 as I only have a cluster diagnosis but when my hits end im totally pain-free until the next hit. DD
  21. I'll wholeheatedly agree with "no snippyness observed" and I second that nomination jeebster!! DD
  22. @Bill H. The new injection is emgality...like most cluster meds it works for some and doesn't for others. Medicare does cover O2 for clusters now and some here have reported success in getting it.......this change was just made in the last 12 to 18 months. @Bejeeber is in the Austin area.....Dr Burish and the Will Erwin institute in Houston are great cluster headache options Yep, if its been 13 years since you've been here it would have been the old orange yabb powered board. DD
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