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Dallas Denny

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Everything posted by Dallas Denny

  1. http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/cluster-headaches/print.html
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/cluster-headaches/overview.html
  3. G'mornin morning J Damn! I was afraid this was gonna be your answer concerning O2 bud and sorry I was remiss in not asking before now! High flow oxygen will CHANGE your life with regard to CH!! Your doc is completely full of shit! I can routinely abort a hit in 5 to 8 minutes with O2....it won't prevent the next attack but I can get up with a hit, abort, and back to bed sleeping in 15 to 20 minutes! So, there's 2 routes to getting O2...doctors script for medical O2 or setting up your own welding oxygen rig. ..for medical the doc needs to write you a script for "oxygen at 15 to 25 lpm, PRN for cluster headaches delivered via a non rebreather mask".....and you need to order an optiO2mask from the clusterheadaches.com store (less than $30)...made specifically for clusterheads! You'll need an M sized tank (4 1/2' tall and about 10" diameter) for home use and some E tanks for mobile use. If you have problems getting the scripts let me know and I'll fill you in on the weld ox setup....that's what I've personally been using for the last 6 years. I see Pete (Batch) dropped in with some info and that you still had some questions....I expect he'll keep an eye on your thread but if he doesn't respond to your questions today, I'll get another message out to him. DD
  4. Hey Jtux! You might want to check out John Fletchers clusterheadachefoundation.com....He has assembled a lot of info and is the process of writing a detailed history of CH for his site. DD
  5. Hi CCH59! Ralphsters is a trusted source for spores and has long been a friend to the clusterbusters community! Dallas Denny
  6. G'mornin J! Happy to see you've started a thread this mornin! The only question I can answer regarding starting the D3 regimen is that you can start it prior to having a level test. I think perhaps the best advice you can get is one on one with Batch so I'll email him directly and ask him to stop by today. Also, I couldn't find mention in any of your posts regarding O2 therapy....usually one of the first things we inquire about from a new poster! Do you have Oxygen? If so and it's not working for you, how are you administering it? This is a huge issue for busting as well as being able to detox! I've seen two folks from Canada recently who were running into problems getting their docs to write scripts for high flow oxygen so wanted to make sure this isn't the case for you! DD
  7. JcDonny Best bet is to contact OUCH UK....The kind folks there will help muddle thru ya'lls system and they'll also be able to provide you with a HOOF form that your doc has to fill out and submit
  8. G'evenin Doc Leila! Welcome to the community but sorry you're here! To be very honest, your case is very much different than most folks I've encountered over the years! I've been ECH for 31 years. ...typical cycles are 16 to 20 weeks with as few as 2 and up to 8 hits daily followed by an 18 mo remission. If I remember correctly, you're said to be CCH if you have 30 or less painfree days in a year so I think you're a bit early in worrying about becoming chronic....but I DO understand your fear! Sorry to see that the alternatives haven't been effective for you! Have you looked into the vitamin D regimen? Dallas Denny
  9. So sorry I was unable to attend this year as well....I've been fortunate to have the opportunity to attend 2 in the past so I fully understand your sentiments Kurt! Chatter this mornin is that next year's location is between Denver, Austin, Vegas, and DC.....torn between Goin back home to Colorado and a trip down the road a piece for a party on 6th street....hmmmm...legal cannabis or an outrageous music venue.....decisions, decisions. ..not that my decision makes a feck I reckon!
  10. This year's t shirt! https://m.facebook.com/groups/17789934480?ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_activity&actorid=1383985303#!/photo.php?fbid=10154216895779348&id=718814347&set=gm.10153611020054481&source=48&refid=18&_ft_&__tn__=E
  11. I did a phone interview with Dayna this morning for her article....she also said she had received several other emails and will be contacting them as well! ! DD
  12. Hi Meme... Would you mind if I repost this in a closed facebook group that I'm also a member of? I'm fairly certain you'll get many responses on this both on and off the record from both male and female sufferers. Dallas Denny
  13. Glad to help bud...and welcome to the community! DD
  14. Here ya go JTux http://m.harborfreight.com/oxygen-regulator-94846.html?utm_referrer=direct%2Fnot%20provided
  15. Did you take the time to READ this thread and see that in 3 years you are the ONLY person with anything positive to say about this procedure with the exception of Dannyboy who the doc's son? Glad you're pf but this is a no sale for me.
  16. Thanks Purple! I've watched it twice in the past couple of years. ..fascinating man...Google "the last interview of sasha shulgin" and you'll find another interesting article. And BTW, I want nothing to do with anything that he assigned a 4+!! DD
  17. Documentary on the creator of mdma, 5-MeO-DALT, and many other tryptamines.
  18. Hi nbonning! Unfortunately, oxygen machines don't work for clusterheads....it's not 100% O2 and the flow rate is much to low usually! All of the surgical options are only marginally effective for most folks. I've not seen anything regarding the prialt that you mentioned Your brother really needs to see a doc that has a clue on how to effectively treat cluster headaches.....and as has been mentioned, the vitamin D3 regimen works very well for lots of folks! DD
  19. Welcome to the community nbonning...sorry you need to be here! You really need a doc that knows how to treat CH!! Imitrex pills are very ineffective and O2 administered correctly should be your go to aborttive! I have sent a message to a Clusterhead that i know from Seattle and will post again when I hear from her. Dallas Denny
  20. Hey Pete! You now have the Cadillac of O2 masks! ! I use the mouthpiece.....full beard and mask don't play well together. ..lol...and yes, deep inhale. .hold while bag is refilling....mask or mouthpiece to the side. ..forcefully exhale with a mini crunch to get as much Co2 out as possible. ..repeat. If you get behind and the bags all the way full, rapidly inhale and exhale til the bag is empty....hold while bag refills. DD
  21. Hi Pete! Getting on the O2 as soon as possible makes aborting a hit faster...the higher the kip when you start huffing the longer it takes to abort in my experience. I hate energy shots and drinks so I use either coffee or hot tea....before I hit the rack, I have either a cup of joe or water in the microwave and a tea bag out of the wrapper....As soon as I wake. I start the microwave and hit the O2...When the bell goes off I grab the mug and drink it down as quickly as I can and get back on the O2. Last thing before Goin back to bed is getting a mug ready for the next go round. This is a link to a video a clusterbuster friend made recently. Breathing technique starts at the 2 min mark. DD https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=914873745253056&id=100001913188266&refid=12&__tn__=H
  22. Hi Cory! I have to echo CHf here!! I have used verapamil in the past for at least 4 or 5 years. ..it did help for a while but the side effects were terrible for myself and many others who I personally know. Oxygen has ZERO side effects and with the exception of trex (poison), it will abort a hit faster than anything else!! I also agree with his advice on the D3 regimen....remember that 20 is the low end of the "normal" parameters but most clusterheads see the best results at 60-80 which is the reason for the huge loading doses. Really happy to hear your sufferer has found some relief and glad that you found us!! O2 girl!! It will change his life!!! DD
  23. http://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.920coalition.org%2F&h=xAQEcKtGF&enc=AZMmF1Fn6JyR8IjECeSgxeOhWpP0kLMKrIjHPyUDWYwi6c6nRv3UWKFKSTmYP7MaN5U&s=1
  24. Ok, this was a test to try to upload a pic....obviously, it didn't work and now I can't find away to delete my OP?
  25. First yellow meat melon out of the patch this year!! Just barely stuck a knife in it and it split open!! Good ol Piss Chunk!! DD
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