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Dallas Denny

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Everything posted by Dallas Denny

  1. Welcome to the community Art, sorry you have the need to be here! I've been here for 4+ years and I'm not aware of anyone having a brush with the law....it is illegal so without a doubt there are risks....most folks are out of options when they get here so I think for most, the chance of relief outweigh the risks. Read and ask questions...again, welcome! DD
  2. Me missus bought a paperback Down town on Saturday, I had a peep into her bag; 'Twas “Fifty Shades of Grey." Well I just left her to it, And at ten I went to bed. An hour later she appeared; The sight filled me with dread. Her left hand held a length of rope; And in her right a whip! She threw them down onto the floor, And then began to strip. Well fifty years or so ago I might have had a peek; But Doris hasn’t weathered well; She’s eighty four next week. Watching Doris bump and grind Could not have been much grimmer. Things then went from bad to worse; She toppled off her Zimmer! She struggled up upon her feet A cuppla minutes later; She put her teeth back in and said That I must dominate her!! Now if you knew our Doris, You would see just why I spluttered, I’d spent two months in traction For the last complaint I’d uttered. She stood there nude, just naked like, Bent forward just a bit …. I took a pace to brace meself And stood on her left tit! Old Doris screamed, her teeth shot out; My god what had I done? She moaned and groaned then shouted out: “Step on the other one!” Well readers, I won't tell no more What happened on that day. Suffice to say my jet black hair Turned “fifty shades of grey”.
  3. I have been using the Harbor Freight reg for several years now....when used for its intended purpose, the gauge on the right registers the total pressure in the cylinder ( 2000 psi in a fully charged M tank)....with the O2 knob in an OFF position on the cutting torch, the valve on top of the cyl turned on, and the pressure adjust turnkey on the reg in an OFF position ( fully counter clockwise ), the reading on the output gauge on the left will read 0 psi....as you dial the turnkey clockwise that reading increases to your desired setting.... However, with an optimask attached the left gauge will continue to register 0 psi so I don't know how you would go about converting psi to lpm..... ....all that bein said, if I dial in more than 1 1/2 turns ( very low pressure considering how much more could be dialed in) the bag refills to the point of O2 escaping from the mouthpiece before I can completely exhale. Having gone to welding OX from a med OX E tank with a 15 psi regulator, I would guess with this setting, I'm getting at least twice the flow rate with the welding rig. DD
  4. I'm thinking this may be a moot issue!! Just saw on the evening news that Snowdens latest leak says the NSA has already developed tools that allow them to unlock most if not all encryption programs.... ....while I don't think mining data from users on this site or any site for that matter and handing it over to the DEA is out of the question, I've got to side with Ricardo on this one.... Too many bigger fish in the mix for them to concentrate on CH'ers tryin to cope!!! DD
  5. Ah c'mon Jeebs, don't candy coat it.....tell us how you really feel bout those wankers....lmao
  6. Damn, its been awhile!!! Seems in mid January, either Apple or AT&T decided to make some kind of change (NO one seems to know what it was!!) that resulted in a server incompatability issue when trying to log onto any YABB powered board with an iphone!! Weird thing was I could register and set up a new account but then I couldn't log into it either!!! I said some pretty ugly things to several tech reps...lol!!! Finally got logged back on week before last but was knee deep in shit about then so haven't had time to post til now...... .....long story short, my wife Cindy had a grand mal seizure and quit breathing on me the 25th of March!! Thank God for that CPR training!!!! After 4 days in the hospital for tests at 10K a day (mostly cardiac tests to rule out a heart attack as she had major chest pain before she collapsed) they called in neurology and put her on anti seiz meds and scheduled a sleep study.....had that week before last and she flunked that test big time......severe sleep apnea (62 episodes per hour of quitting breathing!!!)......so now we know why she's been so tired the past several months and that the seizure was probably the result of her threshhold being lowered significantly by the apnea!!! Got her new machine and mask today fer a mere $1100 and both of us are really lookin forward to a good nites sleep for a change!! Nice to be able to read the non public sections of the board again and hopefully I'll have some time to spend here again soon!!! Dallas Denny
  7. Tony, I think CHFather had an email address for Les at one time.......he's here on a regular basis and I'm sure he'll see this thread and respond. DD
  8. .....the Choctaw casino up the road is having a WSOP circuit event this month......one of my Christmas presents was the entry fee to a satelite tourny with a guaranteed 40 seats to the main event on the 18th with a $1 mil guarantee!!!! .....I'll need LOTS of luck!!! DD
  9. I am so very sorry to hear this news. When this board went live in Oct of 09, CArl was an "old timer" from the old private cb group... He was so helpful and became a good friend......got a PM from him one day sayin he was gonna pull away from the board and leave it to the new guys.....I have missed him being here so much over the past couple of years!! RIP brother.... DD
  10. This may no longer be the case Weatherman!!!!! A little birdie told me this past Thursday that Entheogen has a $20 mil investor on the hook in what could be a done deal by the end of January!!!! Can I get a FECK YEAH!!!! DD
  11. Still one of my favs.... DD
  12. Safe travels and PF wishes to all!!! DD
  13. Hi Pos We have another board member from the Netherlands by the name of Oscar....if you'll search posts by him, I think you'll find answers to most of your questions DD
  14. Wishing Gods speed and safe passage to all in the path of this storm!!! DD
  15. Correct on colonization Spiny....the other term in this equation is "consolidation". After the jar reaches 100% colonization ( the portion of the cake we observe thru the jar), it takes another week for the mycelium to consume the inner part of the cake.... Consolidation.... IMHO, you'll be better off leavin em in the jar an xtra week vs the contam risks of birthing early.....the worst that can happen is they will start pinning in the jars....just pick em off after birthing and then dunk and roll as usual. Dry what you pick off as usual and put em in yer medicine pouch!! DD
  16. Have a good one birthday boy!! Burn one down for me!! DD
  17. So nice to read your post Ting!! You go girl!! DD
  18. My experience is that you'll find far fewer side effects with that choice as well cap'n.....good luck!! DD
  19. Nah Brew....that's Texas "roadkill chili meat" on the hoof.... ....Cindy, I have no earthly idea what Dan is talkin about..... .....Dan, just stuff the sticky bud in yer sock.......shouldn't be a problem....so long as ya don't get caught!! LMAO!!! Get ready Vegas!! Here we come!!! DD
  20. Toostrike Just find a welding supply near you....tell em you need a large tank of welding ox....they probably won't ask, but if they do, tell em a friend is letting you borrow his cutting torch but his O2 tank got stolen....Don't let em know you intend to breathe it!!! Rental rates depend on your location....in the Dallas area I paid a $150 deposit, $6/mo leases, and $21 per refill for an M size tank DD
  21. Welcome CHK Puerto Rican is a fairly reliable strain but any of the "cubies" will do. For a refresher course, watch the " let's grow mushroom" series on YouTube by RR videos. Good luck! DD
  22. Lol Jeebs!! Talk about feelin old, the last (and only) time is was in Vegas was around Sept of 66, about 30 days before I shipped out to Nam....I had just turned 19 and was in Marine uniform....they let me in the casinos and let me drink but wouldn't let me play the slots!!! Old DD
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