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Everything posted by xBoss

  1. Year 23 here but life is better now. GL on your journey NRay, this is the best place to be!
  2. Yep, the fall is my time of year as well. Already been working on it.
  3. Year 23 here. You are in good hands! Welcome to the bust club.
  4. I used to build websites for a living. It was too much screen time so I had to mostly retire. I wear high grade UV protected prescription sunglasses all day every day (see my avatar!). It seems to help with the light pain and discomfort. My neck and shoulders are always messed up even though I beat the beast with busting. The TMJ does not help the situation. I find certain sitting postures can be a trigger for me. Mostly a position like sitting up in bed watching tv or the couch can do it. Side sleeper here, on my back I get anxiety from the gravity pulling on my lungs and the belly is a no go for comfort.
  5. It's going to take some more time and data to know for sure. Cluster headaches can vary in pain from not too bad to horrible. People in major pain can get hot and break into a sweat but not maintain a fever. I drip in sweat sometimes. Study a list of the major symptoms and keep tabs on it, in the case of cluster headaches you will know more than your doctor. All they can really do is listen to your words and make a diagnosis.
  6. If my house was not a house from 1940 and built like a tank I would have holes in the walls by now Hang in there girl!
  7. Doesn't what? I'm not talking about radiation that causes cancer. It's a 100% fact that there is a huge field around cell phones. The brain is electrical, this is the same priciple as gammacore.
  8. I was curious because I am a left hander and I hold the phone to my left side and that is where I get the pain. My clusters also started around the time of cell phones back in 1998. I can also feel the EMF coming from cell phones and they make my face and hands buzz if I am on a long call. I know clusters have existed before cell phne usage but I wonder if they are able to help trigger them.
  9. I reached new tens last year and had to slide my scale. Most of them used to be 20-60 minutes but they have gone three hours+ in recent times. You def. wonder if it will ever end past the three hour mark. The good news is that busting is working. Hang in there!
  10. Not all CH's are max pain kip 10's. This last cycle I am working out only had a few horrible ones, the rest were more like level 8's GL! And hang in there.
  11. Hoping it was a horrible slapback. I took some MM yesterday and got hit about 4 hours after it wore off. Fingers crossed for tonight. They all happen from 11PM to 6AM. How you doing?
  12. Hey tx BOF. I'm trying, broke my time record again last night with a five hour run.
  13. Awesome, tx guys. I am trying to get this going ASAP. Been getting crushed at night lately. Had a new record last night. I never had extra long hits. Anywhere from 30 mins to 2 hours is the norm but last night was 4 hours with the first 3 being bad then it dropped down a peg
  14. Tx guys, Hyeprventilating is fairly safe? It seems to make the heart race right?
  15. Hey guys, I'm so much of a mess that it hurts to search for the information. Could you please help me with these O2 questions? Thank you very much. 1. How do I use it? Like do you just keep breathing it until you feel better? I was always scared that I would hyperventilate or something. 2. Are high flow valves available or do I have to mod one? I am handy and can do it, just need tips. 3. Any other tips, suggestions or help would be awesome.
  16. I had a triple strength hot coffee just before the video. O2 has not worked very well for me. It just made me feel sick and worse but I did not try too hard to maybe get it right. I may have to explore it again.
  17. Fun times at 3AM! This one did not get into my eye too bad but hurt so much. https://www.facebook.com/100003045796091/videos/2474460639332105/?id=100003045796091
  18. Tx guys, it feels good to be home again. well, in a bittersweet way.
  19. Tx guys, The weather is very funky this Winter in Detroit for sure. I also had a tooth extracted two weeks ago and it was on my cluster side so that one is very suspect. I have meds but I actually took some only a week ago so I am worried that they may not work. I used to get two cycles a year then it went to one for about 10 years. Might be back on the two cycle train.
  20. Hey all, The plan to take a break from the forums has fallen apart. I had a few minor CH recently that I thought was maybe a bad tension headache but then there was last night.... Yep, the beast is back.
  21. I ended a 60-80 day cycle on day 6 last year and this year I had no CH! I have a full bust report coming soon.
  22. Welcome to the forum. You can fix your problems here or at least help a lot! For me it was as simple as busting.
  23. It was left side infection and I get left side CH. I'm also a left hander... I do love to figure out things though. Def. possible for us. I have a full bust report coming soon with more details of my findings.
  24. I had a horrible ear infection when I was a kid, like blood coming out of my ear. Possible!?
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