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Dallas Denny

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Everything posted by Dallas Denny

  1. Hey Big J I don't use the D3 regimen so can't relate personal experience, however I've known Batch since before he developed the anti inflammatory regime.....I'd reccomend shooting him a PM here and I'm sure he'll give you some input! I do know from just watching his posts that it is important to include all of the co factors in the regimen for maximum efficacy and the "sweet spot" for most folks is a 85 ng/ml level on the 25 (OH) D test. I'm sure there will be some other folks along shortly with personal experience...good luck! Dallas Denny
  2. Hi clusternana! Prior to finding out about oxygen in 2007 and busting in 2009, when my hits were still in that 45 to 90 minute range, the more agitated I got included crying the worse the attack got.....since combining O2 and busting, I've experienced just 3 or 4 crying, snot slinging Kip 10's......the vast majority of hits over the past 10 years never got above 3-4 and were easily aborted with O2 and hot coffee or tea in 5 to 7 minutes and oftentimes less than 5 minutes.......still the same on agitation though as far as exacerbating the intensity of a hit! Dallas Denny
  3. Just when ya think you've figured the Beast out, he's gonna morph.....the one consistent thing about ch! And I agree with all of your other rules as well MG! DD
  4. G'mornin Teach! If you haven't already done so, I would suggest that you send Batch a PM and see if he has any "tweaks" for you that might help! I've seen him help many folks over the years by adjusting the regimen!! And I second my friend Pebbles comment on honing your mycology skills......best move I've ever made in my 37+ year history with clusters! And btw Pebbles, so nice to see your comments here old friend....I've missed ya dude!! DD
  5. Lmao! BOF, I just looked back to find the thread "10 years of preventative success"......actually posted 7 years ago yesterday by jammin who is one of the original busters!! He told us about Bomba's shack and his special shakes.....and warned us that if your girlfriend goes with you and Bomba asks her to sit on his lap that she shouldn't do that! And yeah, coming back to the world to be spit on and ridiculed sucked.....but it wasn't long before the cold hard truth slapped me in the face and I became an active member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War and dropped out, tuned in, and turned on!! DD
  6. To be perfectly honest Batch, I've had no use for politics or gub'mint since they sent 50,000 young men like you and I both were at the time to fight and die in a war under false pretenses.....just to put another dime in their feckin pockets!! And it's the same damn thing here.....big pharma, tobacco, insurance, ect own all of them! IMHO, only 2 scenarios can bring about any meaningful change to the quagmire we're in......term limits, ain't no way Congress is passing that......and armed insurrection, and we both know that things are gonna get real ugly with that option before it gets better....if it does in fact get better!! IDK, there's been several times in the past couple years that I wish I'd made the choice to go to Canada instead of Nam! Hell, I've taken to turning the news on when I know it's just about time for the weather so I dont have to hear about all the bullshit that's goin on!! DD
  7. Have you been in direct contact with Batch and what is your 25 (OH) D reading? The sweet spot for most folks is around 85 ng/ml.....if your blood tests have reached that threshold then I would suggest that you send Batch a PM here and see if he has some tweaks to the regimen for you!
  8. Hi S.E. Damn! What a terrible situation! I've been a part of the board since it went live in Oct of 2009 and can't recall any posts regarding lyme disease along with cch! Nice to see that yet another clusterhead benefitted from our own Hipshot's participation in the NG documentary! My good friend Hollywood Dan has saved many lives in doing that video and is an absolute hero to the clusterhead community!! If you're not already using the anti inflammatory vitamin D3 regimen, I'd recommend trying that as it works very well for many folks! Wishing you the best of luck! Dallas Denny
  9. Hi Monica! I have several longtime clusterhead friends in the Portland area.....just chatted with one on Facebook messenger who's just south of you in Corvallis.....she told me I could share her contact information with you if you'd like to shoot me a PM Dallas Denny
  10. Hi Into light! I know I recieve a registration email every year and I'm fairly certain that all members here do as well! DD
  11. Welcome to the forum Katrina I have to agree with Freud here.....you might research one of the other TAC headaches called SUNCT........15 individual cluster attacks in 24 hours is the most frequent I've ever heard of! DD
  12. Welcome to the community oxy man The only thing constant about the Beast is his ability to morph! My first few cycles had predominantly evening hits around bedtime, but then they became primarily nocturnal with a few scattered in during the day time. Good deal that know about and have O2 at your disposal.....odd that your doc hasn't ordered an MRI though as that is pretty standard to rule out other nasty crap that mimics ch Dallas Denny
  13. Welcome to the community doc...sorry for your need to join us! I like your plan of attack but you didn't mention oxygen which is a game changer for clusterheads! Good luck with the D3 regimen and happy busting! Dallas Denny
  14. There's a place called Bomba's Shack on the island of Tortola in the BVI that sells shroom tea! DD
  15. In the 9 years I've been here I don't recall anyone posting from that part of the world I'm sorry to say...good luck to you though! DD
  16. Always love hearing about a good O2 supplier Freud!! I loathe the taste of ALL energy drinks so I keep a cup of Joe in the microwave at all times when I'm cycling.......at the 1st tinge I nuke it for 60 seconds and while its warming I hit the O2.....when hot, I shut down the O2, hold the cup where I can slip on it and blow on it which blows the hot steam up on my right eye....after a minute of doing this I jump back on the O2.....my average abort time is 5 to 8 minutes using this technique and often times under 5 minutes!! One of our other mods, Spiny, uses the same technique but with cold coffee! DD
  17. @jherbertartist Travel scholarship application info is usually posted around Mar/Apr DD
  18. @Jherbert Unfortunately, privacy concerns prevent streaming and/or recording of conference activities. Dallas Denny
  19. Welcome to the community Rory but sorry you have the need to join us! Unfortunately, boost doesn't have enuf O2 to abort even 1 hit for most folks. Many of us ditch the doc and O2 suppliers and put our own welding oxygen rig together.....cost is around $400 for a large (48" tall x 9" diameter) cylinder, a weld ox regulator from harbor freight......and the Clustero2kit from our sister site.......refills (exchange) runs me $21. Dallas Denny
  20. So sorry for your loss Moxie!! Sending positive thoughts and painfree wishes from this side of the pond my friend! DD
  21. These are the recommendations so far ZS Enos Home Oxygen in New Bedford Reliable Respiratory....they're in Norwood, MA but deliver over a wide area and they were highly reccomended I haven't heard back from bostonheadachedoc as yet and I'm sure I'll have some more responses to relay to you tomorrow Edited to add: ...if you're on Facebook, search [ Clusterheads; Northeastern U S and Eastern Canada ].....a longtime clusterhead friend is one of the group admins so shoot me a PM with your name so I can tell Lee to be watching for your "join group" request.....they have a couple meet n greets each year....nothing like getting together for some cluster bud love with a bunch of other folks just like you who "get it"!! Likewise, if you haven't secured a good local doc since moving to Boston, I can definitely hook you up with doc Brian (bostonheadachedoc)! DD
  22. Hi ZS! Not aware of any regulars here from the Boston area but I have several Facebook clusterhead friends that reside in and around that area and we also have a member here who is a neurologist/headache specialist and professor in Boston! Let me give a shout out to those folks and see if they can help! Dallas Denny
  23. Hi concerned mom@ I do indeed know doc B very well and have had his personal contact info since we met at the clusterbusters conference in Portland on 2010!! You could never hope to find a finer neuro than Brian if you're a clusterhead!! Let me shoot him a PM on fb messenger and ask him to drop by....usually doesn't take long for him to respond! DD
  24. Hey Dan Let me shoot a message to our friend dinmerced and ask him to stop by....he is the demand valve procurement guru.....comes across some great deals pretty regularly Dallas Denny
  25. Hi Stev! Welcome to the nut house...err, uh...community I mean! I've enlightened several docs over the past 9 years of busting.....one lady doc didn't even want to hear it once I got to mushrooms.....a couple listened but weren't on board....and 3 were very receptive to the idea and 2 of those 3 actually asked for the website! The best was an eye doc a couple years back.....I had listed clusters on my new patient paper work.... they called me and as we were walking back to the testing room he asked me if I was in cycle or remission?? Knowing that he had at least some knowledge of CH, I talked for a good 20 minutes about busting, clusterbusters, and how it had changed my life.....dude never tried to cut me off or hurry me up and was genuinely interested even asking for the cb website!! When I went back in to pick up my specs a few days later, he did the fitting and told me that he had perused the site and that he would be mentioning it to his other clusterhead patients!! And to top it all off, he was an old jarhead chopper jockey in Nam about the same time I was in country with the 1st Marine Air Wing!! Dallas Denny
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